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APFCT hydrogen cartridge shines in Paris at Solutions COP 21

APFCT technology has emerged as a crucial solution in combatting climate change after the recent COP 21 summit in Paris. Our fuel cell powered scooter and low pressure hydrogen cartridges were the focus of significant attention during live test rides at the Solutions COP 21 event, clearly demonstrating the capability of our product offer.

We received extensive coverage from the media, including the major French television networks MYTF1, BFMTV, ITELE and M6 Turbo amongst others. During his interview with the LCI channel, Gilles Berhault, the president of Comité 21 and organizer of Solutions COP 21, emphasised that our low pressure hydrogen infrastructure is an immediately available solution. This is important, since many other new technologies are still in their infancy.
Also in France, APFCT features in a new book by the chair of the Governing Board of Fuel Cells and Hydrogen Joint Undertaking (FCH JU), Pierre-Etienne Franc. In “Hydrogen: the energy transition in the making!”, Franc states that “(the) electric scooter with rechargeable hydrogen cartridges should soon be on the market, following successful experimentation with a hundred of them in Taiwan, laying the foundations for new models of energy supply for mobility” .
COP 21, the twenty-first conference of the parties of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), took place from the 30th November 2015 to the 12th December 2015. Solutions COP 21 was the associated exhibition for technology demonstration.

On the final day of the conference, agreement was made by the 195 delegate nations to set the goal of limiting the rise in average global temperature to well below 2°C, with an ambition to further reduce it to below 1.5°C.